Mary Perdikomatis presented part of her magnificent collection, painting on porcelain, and offered her fine artifacts to Water for People and Peace.
By buying some Art Pieces one helps the Foundation’s actions and missions for improving the water, the Environment and quality of life. We would like to thank Mary and you for your choice. The value for each piece is 300€.
The Message of our campaign is “Every Drop of help is a sip of water to each one of us”. Help us for the Water Purification of Arsenic in Macedonia.
Eurobank Water for People and Peace Bank Account: (ΝΕΡΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΝ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ – ΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΜΗ ΚΕΡΔΟΣΚΟΠΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ) IBAN NUMBER: GR78 0260 0630 0004 5020 0138 198