
Beirut, Lebanon. Water for People and Peace on a mission for solving problem of drinking and waste water Water for People and Peace – Municipality of Phestos, Crete 2016 Water for People and Peace with the Mayor of Marathon, Marathon, Greece. December 2015 Water for People and Peace at Erbil, Kurdistan. November 2013 Erbil, Kurdistan, November 2013. Water for People and Peace in Kurdistan Mission 2013. Water for People and Peace at Andhra Pradesh State of India. Summer 2012 Hyderabad, India, Summer 2012. Water for People and Peace in Indian Mission 2012.God created man. Men created human misery. Are we going going to allow it to continue or we are going to bring back. God’s gift to man. Water is Life. Training of 12 Engineers for Water and Waste Stations at Damascus Greater Area . March 2012 Damascus, Syria, March 2012. Water for People and Peace delivered all the know how to the excellent engineers of Syria for the running of the water and waste water stations taking them free and responsible for the gift of life that is WATER. Water for People and Peace at Damascus, Syria (Short version) Damascus, Syria. Water for People and Peace in cooperation with Hellenic Aid on action. Water for People and Peace in Damascus, Syria (Full version) Damascus, Syria. Water for People and Peace in cooperation with Hellenic Aid on action. Water for People and Peace in Bam, Iran. Hellenic Television Broadcasting, in Greek language Iran, Bam. Water for People and Peace in cooperation with Hellenic Aid in action in Bam. Water for People and Peace in Damascus. First Installation Site Damascus, Syria. Water for People and Peace in cooperation with Hellenic Aid in Damascus, Syria.